Development News

Hello to our incredible community of learners!

First and foremost, a HUGE thank you for being a part of our beta journey. Your feedback and engagement have been absolutely invaluable, and it’s helping us craft an even better platform for everyone.

We wanted to drop a quick update about some exciting developments in the pipeline:

🚫 No Ads EVER: In case you didn’t know (some students have voiced concern), there will NEVER be ads on Scratch Paper. Ads would only slow down the site and interrupt your learning. Aside from that, Scratch Paper is not a platform meant to monetize education. We are committed to minimizing costs for our students, charging the bare minimum to support staff and company function.

🔧 Refinements on the Horizon: Based on your feedback, we’re repositioning some buttons and refining our UI to make your navigation smoother. It’s all about intuitiveness and putting what you need right at your fingertips!

🐞 Squashing Those Bugs: A few of you have pointed out some pesky bugs. We see them, and we’re on it! Expect these little glitches to be history in the coming updates.

🎉 New Features Incoming: We’re always in the lab, brainstorming ways to enhance your experience. While we can’t spill all the beans just yet, rest assured, some really cool features are in the works!

🤝 Your Feedback is Gold: This journey is a collaboration. Your insights guide our improvements. So, please continue sharing your experiences, suggestions, and yes, even your criticisms. We’re here for it all! Please continue to provide your feedback in the ‘Contact Us’ form below.

In closing, things are only going to get better from here. We’re beyond excited about the road ahead, and we hope you are too! Together, we’re building something truly special.

Stay curious, stay passionate, and most importantly, stay tuned!

Warmly, The Scratch Paper Team

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Please note, this form is sent to a No Reply email. If you are requesting help, we will reach out to you via a separate email.